CalendarMakerFrm Calendar Maker Form1% YearBox MakeBtn Make Calendar MonthBox QuitBtn YearLbl Year Number MonthLbl Month Number Form_Clickv Form_LoadY DateFormatOpt Value> TimeFormat TimeFormatOpt* NowBtn_Click TextBox QuitBtn_ClickV CountryCmb_Change% CountryCmbI ComboItemm VScroll1_Change TimeScl_Changed ScrollBarValueBox TimeSclc ScrollValueBox Label1_Click TimerBtn_Click Count Total TextLine TimerBtn Caption ScrollValueBox_Change MaxLbl_Click~ TextBox_Change@ TextBox_LostFocus QuitBtn Enabled False MIN_VALUE MAX_VALUE MinLble MaxLbl SmallChange LargeChange properties PrintBtn_Click FilenameS CurrentLineNumber$ MAX_LINES/ PrintHeadingq Printer BadFile ExitSub PrintHadingW PageNumber PageNum} PageNumStr PrintTab) TAB_SIZE PageNumberStr TextBox_KeyPress KeyAscii MonthBox_Change5 YearBox_Change YearBox_KeyPress< MonthBox_KeyPress| MakeBtn_ClickG CalendarFrm Calendar YearNum MonthNum YearBoxj MotnhBox MonthBox MonthName MonthNumber YearNumber DaysInMonth NumnerOfDays NumberOfDays TheWeekDay DAY_SPACE DAY_Spc@ DAY_SAPCE DayIndex` FontName FontSize LEFT_MARGIN SerialDayNum AutoRedraw DaysInMonth MakeBtn_Click set page format if Year text box is empty use the current yearx if the Month text box is empty use the current monthe get the year number get the month number' is the year number invalid? Invalid Year number Input Error is the month number invalid? Invalid Month number Input Error show output formb select font name and size Courier clear the form and build a new calendar write the first day of the montha write every other day Sunday? a day other than Sunday MonthBox_KeyPress MonthName January February March April August September October November December QuitBtn_Click YearBox_KeyPress